The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today, 26th October, announced the receipt of the following applications for two community sound broadcasting services, serving communities in Castlebar and North West Connemara. The two services were advertised by the BAI last July.
An application was received from Community Radio Castlebar FM Limited, broadcasting as CRCfm 102.9, for a community sound broadcasting radio service, serving the community of Castlebar and its Environs. Community Radio Castlebar currently operates a 10-year community service which is due to expire on 20th June 2017.
North West Connemara
An application was received from Connemara Community Radio Limited, broadcasting as Connemara Community Radio, for a community sound broadcasting radio service, serving the geographical community of North West Connemara. Connemara Community Radio currently operates a 10-year community sound broadcasting radio service which is due to expire on 20th June 2017.
The BAI will now review the applications to ensure that all the information requested in the Guide to Submissions has been received and that the applications are valid. On completion of this review, the applications will be made publicly available.