The Contract Awards Committee of the BAI has today (Tuesday 22nd December) announced its intention to invoke the fast-track application process for the quasi-national speech/news service, in accordance with section 67(3) of the Broadcasting Act 2009. The contract for this service is currently held by News 106 Limited, broadcasting as Newstalk 106-108FM.
The fast-track process can be invoked by the Committee where only one expression of interest is received, from the incumbent sound broadcasting contractor, following a call for expressions of interest. The call for expressions of interest was made by the BAI on 2nd October and one expression of interest was received from Newstalk 106-108FM by the 1st December closing date.
The BAI has placed a notification on its web-site and in today’s national press, stating its intention to invoke the fast-track application process. Any person, other than the incumbent, may make a submission, by stating their intention to apply for the award of the contract and providing a deposit of €25,000. In this regard, a Guide to Submissions and a Statement of Intent Form have been made available on the BAI web-site, for any interested party. The closing date for receipt of a Statement of Intent is Tuesday 19th January 2016. The Contract Awards Committee will then consider any submission received and determine the next phase in the licensing process for this service.
For additional information and/or to make a Statement of Intent, please click here.
Media Queries to:
Catherine Heaney/Tony Heffernan
DHR Communications
01 4200580 / 087 2309835 / 087 2399508