The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and Bord Scannán na hÉireann / the Irish Film Board are pleased to announce the appointment of Crowe Horwath as consultants to draw up a new Strategy for Skills Development in the Audio-visual Industry. The development of skills within the audio-visual production sector is integrally linked to Ireland’s capacity to scale and grow the industry. The film and broadcasting sector is undergoing tremendous turbulence and change as technology changes how content is made and consumed. The recent introduction of the new and enhanced tax credit will also act as a stimulus to growth.
This strategy will provide an important policy framework for further growth and capacity expansion. Alongside the development of professional skills within the sector, the strategy will also map the provision of production-related courses at third and continuing level and how they interact with industry. Other key issues to be addressed will be current and future trends within the industry, influencing workforce skills. The development of the strategy will comprise interviews with industry stakeholders and an on-line questionnaire to ensure full industry participation.
To register your interest in participating in the on line survey please email trainingstrategy@crowehorwath.ie and you will be contacted by Crowe Horwath in due course.
For further information please contact: Teresa McGrane, Bord Scannan na hÉireann / the Irish Film Board teresa.mcgrane@irishfilmboard.ie or Vanya Sargent, Crowe Horwath vanya.sargent@crowehorwath.ie
About Bord Scannán na hÉireann / the Irish Film Board (IFB)
Bord Scannán Na hÉireann/the Irish Film Board was established in October 1993. The IFB is the national development agency for Irish filmmaking and the Irish film, television and animation sector, investing in talent, creativity and enterprise. The agency supports writers, directors and production companies across these sectors by providing investment loans for the development, production and distribution of film, television and animation projects. The IFB promotes the use of Ireland as a location for international production. The IFB via Screen Training Ireland (‘STI’) supports industry training and skills development.
About The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI)
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland was established on 1st October 2009. The organisation has a number of objectives and functions, which are underpinned by legislation and policy. The BAI carries out a range of activities related to the effective regulation of commercial, community and public service broadcasters in Ireland. The BAI has a particular function in relation to the collection and dissemination of information regarding the skills requirements of the broadcasting sector. The BAI is also responsible for the administration of the Broadcasting Funding Scheme, which provides significant levels of funding in support of high-quality radio and television programmes addressing the themes of Irish culture, heritage and experience.