The BAI invites you to provide your views on the content of the draft Community Media Policy.

Interested parties are asked to consider the draft policy and submit comments on each of the individual sections (1-6 in the Policy).  If you wish to suggest any amendments or additions, please set out the proposed amendment and set out the rationale for the proposed amendment and/addition.

Responses should be submitted to before noon on Thursday April 15th 2021.  Responses can also be submitted in hard copy by post to the

BAI, 2-5 Warrington Place, Dublin 2, D02XP29

In addition to seeking written submissions the BAI will convene a workshop of interested parties to discuss the proposed policy.  This will take place using the WebEx Platform on Wednesday March 31st at 2pm.   If you are interested in participating in this workshop, then please follow the registration link here

The BAI will consider all submissions received and the outcomes of the workshop with a view to publishing a final policy later this year.


In March 2019, the BAI published a Community Media Action Plan (“the Plan) which had been developed following consultation with the community radio and television sectors during 2018. The Plan was developed in the context of the BAI’s Key Deliverables in the Strategy Statement 2017-2019 under Enhancing Sectoral Sustainability and Increasing Public Participation in Community Media.   The plan consisted of nine actions which covered a range of activities and a summary of the position in relation to each action is provided here


In May 2020, the Authority approved an additional action under the plan which involved the commissioning of a review of the current policy structure for community broadcasting. This arose in the context of the new definitional framework for social benefit developed under Action One of the Plan and the challenges being experienced by the sector.

The Policy Review and Draft Policy

In summer 2020, Nexus Research Co-operative were appointed to undertake the review and the emerging draft report “Community Media Policy and Regulation for the Future” (The Report) has been published.   The Report examines the current position of community media in Ireland and explores opportunities for the development of a more sustainable community media sector.  In addition, the Report includes a draft Community Media Policy which was developed in consultation with the sector and reflects the structure of the existing BAI policy on Community Radio.

Following the submission of the Report, the BAI considered the Report and the draft policy.  The BAI noted the contents of the Report and viewed it as a useful document to inform future discussions about the development of the sector.



The BAI decided that the draft policy provided a useful base to develop a draft BAI Community Media Policy which would replace the existing Community Radio Policy which has remained largely unchanged since 1997.  This document reflects BAI policy, practice and experience in relation to the regulation of community media services.   Sections were restructured to provide a greater emphasis on community media content and the importance of strong governance processes.   The BAI is seeking views on this draft with a view to informing the final BAI Policy On Community Media which will be published later this year.

Supporting Documentation

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