The Contract Awards Committee of the BAI has today (14th May) announced its intention to invoke fast-track application processes for a number of sound broadcasting services, in accordance with section 67(3) of the Broadcasting Act 2009.
The fast-track process can be invoked by the Committee when only one expression of interest is received, from an incumbent sound broadcasting contractor, following a call for expressions of interest. Such a call was made by the BAI in January of this year in relation to twelve sound broadcasting services. In the case of seven of the services in question, one expression of interest was received from the existing contractor.
Over the course of 14th May and 15th May, the BAI will place notifications on its web-site and in the national press, of its intention to invoke the fast-track application process in respect of seven sound broadcasting services. Any person, other than the incumbent, may make a submission stating their intention to apply for the award of the contract. In this regard, a Guide to Submissions and a Statement of Intent form have been made available on the BAI web-site, for any interested party. The Contract Awards Committee will meet in late July to consider any submission received further to the notifications published on 14th May and 15th Mayand to determine the next phase in the licensing process for each of the services.
For additional information and/or to make a Statement of Intent, please click on the relevant franchise area listed below:
Information available from 14th May:
Cork City and County: two sound broadcasting services
Cork City and County: music-driven local sound broadcasting contract
County Kerry: broad format local sound broadcasting contract
Information available from 15th May:
Dublin City and County: music-driven local sound broadcasting contract
Counties Carlow and Kilkenny: broad-format local sound broadcasting contract
County Kildare: broad-format local sound broadcasting contract