2019 Radio Licensing Update

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (04.09.19) announced two licensing updates; one for commercial radio and one for community radio. Commercial Radio Licensing – Fast-Track process On the 31st July 2019, the Contract Awards Committee of the BAI announced its intention to invoke the fast-track licensing process for the following sound broadcasting contract: … Continued

BAI calls for representations on its second Irish Language Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is calling for representations in relation to the revision of its second Irish Language Scheme. The BAI is seeking submissions from all interested parties in the context of a review of the scheme and the preparation of a new draft scheme in accordance with Section 15 of the Official … Continued

BAI Signs Contract with Dundalk FM

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (27.08.19) announced the signing of a community sound broadcasting contract with Dundalk Media Centre Company Limited By Guarantee t/a Dundalk FM, serving Dundalk and its environs. Speaking at the contract signing, chief executive of the BAI, Michael O’Keeffe, said: “We are very pleased to sign a second … Continued

Commercial Radio Licences: Call for applications – Clarification

The BAI has posted to its website today a revised version of the advertisement published in the national press on 1st August 2019 inviting applications in writing from any person or body interested in securing a sound broadcasting contract for the provision of the following sound broadcasting service on the FM band: A music-based sound … Continued

BAI supporting diverse Irish content at 2019 Galway Film Fleadh

Three Irish features supported by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI)’s Sound & Vision Scheme will screen at this year’s Galway Film Fleadh. These projects, ‘Finky’, ‘Jihad Jane’ and ‘Never Grow Old’ are examples of the BAI’s commitment to increase the production and availability of diverse and culturally relevant content to Irish audiences. Screening details … Continued

BAI publishes submission on regulation of harmful online content / implementation of new Audiovisual Media Services Directive

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has, today (24.06.19) proposed the introduction of new statutory regulation for online videos and harmful online content. The BAI’s vision for the future of media regulation in Ireland is explored in its submission to the Government’s Public Consultation on the Regulation of Harmful Content and the Implementation of the … Continued

BAI publishes new policy on media plurality and revised Ownership and Control Policy

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has, today (18.06.19), published a new policy on Media Plurality and a revised Ownership and Control Policy. The publication of the documents follows a public consultation process, launched in December 2018, during which stakeholders and members of the public were invited to make submissions to the BAI on the … Continued

Over €259k/£230k in Development funding for Canadian/Irish Co-Productions announced at the Celtic Media Festival

Aviemore (Scotland), June 5, 2019 – The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and Northern Ireland Screen today announced details of the 2019 Rounds of their Co-development funding schemes.  The announcement was made at the Celtic Media Festival in Aviemore, Scotland, where Canada is guest country at a gathering of media industry … Continued

BAI HEO (AVMSD/Brexit) Vacancy: Temporary 2 year fixed-term contract

Note: Applications for this position are now closed. The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland is seeking applications for an immediate vacancy at Higher Executive Officer (HEO) level for a temporary 2 year fixed-term contract. Details of the position including the skills and experience required can be found here. Any interested party should submit an application by e-mail to reception@bai.ie by 12 … Continued

Complaints to BAI fall by 33% in 2018

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) received 33% fewer complaints in 2018 relating to programming and advertisements broadcast on Irish radio and television, compared with the previous year. Figures released today (31.03.19) by the BAI, show that it received 73 valid complaints in 2018. In 2017, it received 109 such complaints. Of the valid complaints, … Continued

Latest Broadcasting Complaints Decisions Published

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (21.03.19) published its recent broadcasting complaints decisions. At its meeting held in October 2018, the Compliance Committee of the BAI considered and rejected four complaints. The complaints related to the following broadcasts: RTÉ One: A Wild Irish Year: 13th May 2018. TV3: The Pat Kenny Show Referendum … Continued

BAI HEO Vacancy: Temporary 2 year fixed-term contract

This Application process is now closed The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland is seeking applications for an immediate vacancy at Higher Executive Officer (HEO) level for a temporary 2 year fixed-term contract. Details of the position including the skills and experience required can be found here. Any interested party should submit an application by e-mail to reception@bai.ie by 12 noon on Friday 29th … Continued

More than €5.7m allocated to 119 projects under BAI Sound & Vision Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (14.03.19) announced details of the latest funding awards under the Sound & Vision 3 Broadcasting Funding Scheme. Following a detailed assessment process, €5.738m was awarded to 119 radio and television projects under Round 32 of the Scheme. In excess of €5.1m was awarded to 29 TV projects; while 90 … Continued

Call for tenders: the provision of Design and Print Services

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is currently tendering for the provision of design and print services. A Call for Tenders for the contract has been placed on Etenders.gov.ie and the closing date for submissions is Friday the 22nd of March, at 12 noon.

Almost €1.9m allocated to six projects under Archiving Scheme 2

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has, today (28.02.19), announced details of the latest funding awards under Archiving Scheme 2, a BAI Broadcasting Funding Scheme initiative. Archiving Scheme 2 is a support scheme, funded through the television licence fee, to encourage and promote the development of an archiving culture in the Irish broadcasting sector, contributing to the … Continued

Commercial Radio Licensing Update: Regional Music Driven Services

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today, Tuesday 26th February 2019, announced the receipt of applications for a single sound broadcasting contract for the provision of the following two sound broadcasting services on the FM band. The services were advertised by the BAI on the 21st November 2018. • A Regional Music-Driven (Youth) Sound … Continued

Commercial Radio Licensing Update: BAI issue notification to invoke fast-track application process

The Contract Awards Committee of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has announced its intention to invoke the fast-track application process for a multi-city music driven sound broadcasting service, in accordance with Section 67(3) of the Broadcasting Act 2009. The fast-track process can be invoked by the Committee when only one expression of interest, from … Continued

Latest JNLR Figures Released

The latest JNLR/Ipsos MRBI report into radio listening is published today (07.02.19). It covers the 12-month period from January to December 2018. On behalf of the JNLR Committee a media release and summary information tables are available to download here. ENDS Please note: Media queries regarding individual programme or station performance should be directed to IPSOS MRBI or … Continued

BAI publishes updated Access Rules

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (28.1.19) announced the publication of its updated BAI Access Rules, designed to increase the understanding and enjoyment of television by people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or partially sighted and those who are hard of hearing and partially sighted. The Access Rules apply to broadcasters … Continued

Call for tenders: the provision of facilities management services to the BAI.

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is currently tendering for the provision of facilities management services to the BAI. A Call for Tenders for the contract has been placed on Etenders.gov.ie and the closing date for submissions is Friday the 1st of February 2019, at 12 noon.

Canada-Ireland projects receive over 51k in funding

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) and the Canada Media Fund (CMF) have today (23.11.18) announced an investment of over €51,500 to support the co-development of audiovisual content under the Canada-Ireland Co-development Incentive for Audio-Visual Projects. Two Irish production companies will work with two Canadian companies in the development of the following projects. From Ireland … Continued

BAI publishes revised Broadcasting Services Strategy

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has, today (07.11.18), launched its revised Broadcasting Services Strategy (BSS), which provides the framework for the formulation of licencing plans and associated licencing activities by the BAI. It is one of the primary means by which the Authority fulfils its key statutory objective of endeavouring to ensure that the … Continued

BAI Sponsorship Scheme 2019

The BAI has today (Wednesday 24th October) announced details of its Sponsorship Scheme for 2019. This annual Scheme provides financial and/or in-kind support to a range of events and activities that are relevant to the work of the BAI. It assists the organisation in raising awareness of, and meeting, its objectives, as set out on … Continued

BAI Signs Contract with Community Radio Youghal

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (Friday, 19th October) announced the signing of a community sound broadcasting contract with Community Radio Youghal, serving Youghal Town and environs. Speaking at the contract signing, Professor Pauric Travers, Chairperson of the BAI, said: “We are very pleased to sign today’s contract with Community Radio Youghal which … Continued

Latest Broadcasting Complaints Decisions Published

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (16.10.18) published its recent broadcasting complaints decisions. At its meetings held on 6th June, 18th July and 5th September 2018, the Compliance Committee of the BAI considered 15 complaints. The complaints considered by the Compliance Committee concerned programmes aired on RTÉ One, RTÉ 2FM, Newstalk and TV3. … Continued

Broadcasting Authority of Ireland Statement on Five-Year Review of Public Funding

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) recently completed its five-year funding review of Ireland’s two public service broadcasters, RTÉ and TG4. The focus of the review was on the strategic challenges and opportunities facing the public service broadcasters (“PSBs”) over the next five-year period, and the adequacy of funding required to support their work in … Continued

Almost €6m allocated to 130 projects under Sound & Vision Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (25.09.18) announced details of the latest funding awards under the Sound & Vision 3 Broadcasting Funding Scheme. The Round 31 announcement is made following a detailed assessment process and sees €5.971m being awarded to 130 radio and television projects. 103 radio projects have been allocated nearly €742k while €5.247m … Continued

BAI signs Contracts with Virgin Media Television Limited

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has this week announced the signing of broadcasting contracts with Virgin Media Television Limited. Earlier this week, the BAI renewed its television programme service contract with Virgin Media Television Limited for the television services Virgin Media One (formerly TV3) and Virgin Media Two (formerly 3e). The BAI also agreed … Continued

BAI publishes updated guidelines on election coverage

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today (20.09.18) published updated guidelines in respect of election coverage. The guidelines will apply to the planned Presidential election on Friday 26th October next and future elections which may arise over the coming years. The guidelines have been developed further to the provisions of the BAI Code of … Continued

BAI launches 2018 Community Broadcasting Support Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has today announced the launch of its 2018 Community Broadcasting Support Scheme. A total of €25,000 in funding is being made available to community and community of interest radio and television broadcasters to facilitate the undertaking and completion of projects aimed at advancing the organisational development of their stations. Organisational development … Continued

Radio Licensing Update: Community Radio Services

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today (3rd August 2018), announced the receipt of the following applications for two community radio services, serving the areas of Claremorris and its Environs and Dundalk and its Environs. Both services were advertised by the BAI last May. Claremorris and its Environs An application was received from Claremorris … Continued

BAI issues call for applications for Archiving Scheme 2

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (31.07.18) issued a call for applications under the first round of its Archiving Scheme 2, which aims to contribute to the safeguarding of Irish heritage by encouraging the development of an archiving culture in the Irish broadcasting sector. Launched in June 2018, the second iteration of the … Continued

BAI and CMF announce opening of new round of development fund for audiovisual projects

Dublin / Toronto – The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) and the Canada Media Fund (CMF) announced today the opening of the second round of the three-year funding incentive for the development of audiovisual projects. Programme guidelines, application documents and deadlines for submissions can be found on the BAI website here. The deadline to apply is … Continued

Contracts Signed for Community Radio Services

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (Tuesday 3rd July) announced the signing of three community and community of interest sound broadcasting contracts. The services comprise of community radio service Tipperary Mid-West Radio, serving South West Tipperary; Raidió Corca Baiscinn, serving South West Clare; and a community of interest service for the Christian community … Continued

Latest Broadcasting Complaints Decisions Published

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (27.06.18) published its recent broadcasting complaints decisions. At meetings held on 7th March and 18th April 2018, the Compliance Committee of the BAI considered and rejected eight complaints. The complaints related to the following broadcasts: RTÉ Radio 1: Liveline: 11th November 2017 RTÉ One TV: The Late Late … Continued