New TV Drama Training Scheme Announced

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, Screen Training Ireland and TV3’s drama series Red Rock have announced details of a new, exciting work placement scheme that will be launched in September. The Red Rock Training Scheme will offer a select number of placement opportunities on the set of TV3’s drama series – produced by Element Pictures … Continued

BAI supported projects feature strongly at the Galway Film Fleadh

Film and TV projects supported by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s Broadcasting Funding Scheme feature strongly on the programme at this year’s Galway Film Fleadh which takes place this week. Both the opening and closing films of this year’s Fleadh are BAI funded while six other BAI projects will receive their Irish premiere over the … Continued

1916 Projects Feature Strongly in Latest Sound & Vision Funding Round

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (15th June) announced details of the latest package of recommendations under the Sound & Vision Scheme to have been ratified by the Authority at its most recent meeting. Following an assessment process, funding amounting to €5.109m has been allocated to 123 projects.   Of this, €4.386m has been … Continued

Broadcasting Funding Scheme: Sound & Vision III – Updated Documents

An updated Guide for Applicants and Application Form have been added to the BAI website today (28th May 2015) View them here The Closing Date for the receipt of applications to Round 24 is Thursday 9th July at 12 noon. Applications have to be submitted via BAI online  

BAI @ the Celtic Media Festival 2015

The BAI is pleased to support the Celtic Media Festival 2015 which takes place this week in Inverness, Scotland. The Festival is an annual 3-day event that promotes the languages and cultures of the Celtic nations and regions in media. It combines a major conference of seminars and masterclasses with the presentation of awards in … Continued

BAI Issues Call for Applications for the Archiving Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (16th April) issued a call for applications under its Funding Scheme for the Archiving of Programme Material (“Archiving Scheme”).  The Archiving Scheme has been designed to provide funding support for the development of an archiving culture in the Irish broadcasting sector, contributing to the preservation of Ireland’s … Continued

BAI Screentest @JDIFF 2015

The 13th Jameson Dublin International Film Festival will take place from the 19th – 29th March 2015. The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland will present a series of workshop events during the festival. These will be of interest to both programme makers and anyone wishing to pursue a career in broadcasting. Broadcasting: A Changing Landscape 12pm, … Continued

BAI Announces Funding of €486.5k through its Sectoral Learning & Development and Sponsorship

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (25th February) announced the allocation of funding for 2015 under two key initiatives – its Sectoral Learning and Development Programme and its Sponsorship Scheme.  Funding of €376,200 has been approved by the Authority for a range of training and development initiatives, while 18 events and activities will … Continued

BAI Launches New Broadcasting Funding Scheme: Sound & Vision III

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (03.02.2015) announced details of a new Broadcasting Funding Scheme, Sound & Vision 3. The scheme will see up to €24 million in funding being made available to television and radio programmes through five funding rounds to be rolled out over the next two years. The new scheme … Continued

BAI Launches New Broadcasting Funding Scheme: Sound & Vision III

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (03.02.2015) announced details of a new Broadcasting Funding Scheme, Sound & Vision 3. The scheme will see up to €24 million in funding being made available to television and radio programmes through five funding rounds to be rolled out over the next two years. The new scheme … Continued

BAI @ Digital Biscuit 2015

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has teamed up with the Digital Youth Council (DYC) to explore the media consumption habits of young people in the digital age. The findings of a research project completed by the Council will be presented at a special BAI supported event, taking place as part of the Digital Biscuit … Continued

BAI Awards funding of €1.4 million to Education and Animation Projects

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today announced the award of €1.414 million to 25 education and animation projects, through its Sound & Vision funding scheme.  The package of recommendations was ratified by the Authority at its meeting on January 22nd. This twenty-second round of the scheme was focused exclusively on education and animation … Continued

BAI Congratulates Cartoon Saloon on Oscar Nomination

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has congratulated Cartoon Saloon on the nomination of the Irish animated movie ‘Song of the Sea‘ for the ‘Best Animated Feature Film’ at the 2015 Oscars. The film received support from the BAI’s Sound and Vision scheme to the tune of €500,000. In congratulating Cartoon Saloon, Michael O’Keeffe, CEO … Continued

BAI Awards €2.26m in Funding under Round 2 of Archiving Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (1st October) announced the award of funding totalling €2.26m to ten successful applicants under the second round of its Archiving Scheme.  The Scheme, which is provided for under the Broadcasting Fund, has been designed to provide funding support for the development of an archiving culture in the … Continued

2015 BAI Sponsorship Scheme

The BAI Sponsorship Scheme is undertaken annually within the context of the BAI’s Communications Plan. The plan seeks to deliver on the strategic objectives of the organisation that are contained in the BAI Strategy Statement 2014 – 2016. Sponsorship is an important tool that enables the BAI to communicate to a range of stakeholder groups. … Continued

BAI Announces Over €5m Funding Support through Sound & Vision II Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today, 16th September, announced details of the latest package of funding recommendations to have been ratified by the Authority at its most recent meeting. A funding total of €5.223m has been allocated to 21 TV projects and 101 radio projects.  Of this total, €4.68m of the allocation is … Continued

Seminar Notice: Using Television to Reach and Teach More People

Seminar to showcase successful educational TV and explore new opportunities for collaboration in Ireland As part of National Adult Literacy Awareness Week (22 – 26 September) the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) and the Irish Film Institute (IFI) will present a seminar entitled: Education through television: learning from the … Continued

Broadcasting Funding Scheme: Updated Application Documents Published

New application documents have been published for the upcoming round of Sound & Vision II – the Broadcasting Funding Scheme. Updated Guidelines for Applicants and a new Application form are now available. The documents in English are available here The documents as Gaeilge are available here The next round of the Scheme (Round 22)  is … Continued

BAI at the Galway Film Fleadh 2014

The BAI at the Galway Film Fleadh 2014 The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has announced details of its partnership with the Galway Film Fleadh 2014. The BAI continues to be a co-sponsor of the “Galway Film Fair” a series of special events and workshops aimed at film makers and producers including the popular “Marketplace” … Continued

BAI Launches Community Broadcasting Support Scheme 2014

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today (24th June) launched its Community Broadcasting Support Scheme 2014.  This year, an allocation of €30,000 is available for the funding of the Scheme. The aim of the Scheme is to award funding to enable community radio and television broadcasters to assess the operation and effectiveness of their … Continued

Over Five Million Euro Funding for Radio & Television Projects Announced by BAI

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today, 20th May 2014, announced details of the latest package of funding recommendations to have been ratified by the Authority at its most recent meeting. A funding total of €5.136m has been allocated to 29 TV projects and 93 radio projects.  Of this total, €4.562m of the allocation … Continued

BAI to Sponsor Best Drama Category at IFTA’s

‘The Fall’, ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘Love/Hate’, ‘Quirke’ and ‘Vikings’ will all battle it out at the upcoming 2014 IFTA Awards in the Best Drama category, which is being sponsored by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI).   Northern Irish based police investigations drama ‘The Fall’, which is currently filming its new series in Belfast, is written and … Continued

BAI agus Seachtain na Gaeilge 2014

Tugann scoileanna faoi na haerthonnta le haghaidh Sheachtain na Gaeilge 2014 Beidh an deis ag scoileanna fud fad na tíre oiliúint um léiriú raidió a fháil agus a gcuid clár a iontráil i gcomórtas náisiúnta atá á reáchtáil mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge 2014 le tacaíocht ó Údarás Craolacháin na hÉireann. Tá Seachtain na … Continued

BAI Screentest at the JDIFF

Screentest is a series of events geared towards those who are at college and/or looking to work in film, television or radio. The events take place daily and feature some of the industry’s leading experts. FREELANCING FOR BEGINNERS Mon 17 Feb / Filmbase / 1pm A panel of experts will explore the skills needed to … Continued

BAI Spotlight on Denmark @ Digital Biscuit 2014

The BAI is supporting the Screen Directors Guild of Ireland’s Digital Biscuit 2014, a 2-day event featuring new technology, renowned directors, acclaimed creative and social media gurus in the Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin from 22nd to 24th January.  The Spotlight on Denmark series of events looks at a number of exciting funding developments in … Continued

Sound and Vision II Latest Round Deadline Confirmation

Confirmation that the latest round of funding in BAI’s Sound and Vision Scheme closes 6th February; not today as stated in Irish Independent. See:

BAI Archiving Scheme: Call for Applications

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (Thursday, December 19th) issued a call for applications under its Funding Scheme for the Archiving of Programme Material (“Archiving Scheme”).  The Archiving Scheme has been designed to provide funding support for the development of an archiving culture in the Irish broadcasting sector, contributing to the preservation of … Continued

BAI Awards €4.489 million to Broadcasters and Independent Producers

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today, 17th December 2013, announced the outcomes of Round 19 of the Sound and Vision Scheme. A package of funding recommendations totalling €4.489m was ratified by the Authority at their most recent meeting and will support the production of 88 Radio and 21 TV projects.  When completed, the … Continued

BAI Revises Closing Dates for the Broadcasting Funding Scheme in 2014

Following its consultation event with stakeholders earlier this week, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has announced revised closing dates for applications to Sound & Vision II – the Broadcasting Funding Scheme, in 2014. Three rounds will operate during 2014, two of which will be open funding rounds with a funding of €4.75m available towards … Continued

Media-savvy young people in Ireland need support to make better use of media, report from IFI Education shows

The need for support for young people in Ireland in negotiating and successfully interacting with myriad media platforms available to them, fell under the spotlight today with the publication of the 12-13Project Report by IFI Education. The report , which was funded by the Broadcasting Authority Ireland, highlights the enthusiasm and engagement of the 12-13 … Continued

BAI Launches Public Consultation on Draft Sound & Vision 3 Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (21st November) launched a public consultation on its draft Sound & Vision 3 Scheme.  The Scheme is provided for under the Broadcasting Fund and will replace the existing Sound & Vision II Scheme.  Broadcasters, programme makers, interest groups and members of the public will have until 12 … Continued

Further Commercial Radio Applications Available Online

The BAI advertised a niche music-driven sound broadcasting service for Dublin City and County franchise area in June 2013. The closing date for receipt of applications for these three services was 23rd September last. For further information on the applications received, please click here .    

BAI Awards €1.5m in Funding under New Archiving Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (4th November) announced the award of funding totalling €1.5m to seven successful applicants under the first round of the new BAI Archiving Scheme. The Scheme has been designed to provide funding support for the development of an archiving culture in the Irish broadcasting sector, contributing to the … Continued

BAI calls for applications to its 2014 Sponsorship Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland “BAI” is calling for applications to its Sponsorship Scheme 2014 This annual scheme provides financial and/or in kind support to a range of events and activities that are relevant to the work of the BAI and that assist the organisation to meet its objectives as set out in the BAI … Continued

Broadcasting Funding Scheme: Update

Round 19 of the Broadcasting Funding Scheme closed last week. 287 applications were received, requesting €14.93m in funding. Well over half of the applications received were for documentaries. The BAI has a funding allocation for the round of €3.5m. Funding decisions are expected by mid-December.

Latest Round of BAI’s Sound & Vision Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today, 9th September 2013, announced the outcomes of Round 18 of the Sound and Vision Scheme. Grants totalling €4.462m have been offered to broadcasters and independent producers to support the production of 102 Radio and 17 TV projects. When completed, the funded projects will be broadcast by a … Continued

BAI Seeks Applications for Research Project Funding

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) is seeking applications for short-term research projects under its Media Research Funding Scheme 2013, which was launched today 30th July 2013. The Media Research Funding Scheme 2013 provides funding to academics to conduct media related research on topical issues pertaining to the broadcasting industry. The closing date for applications … Continued

BAI Publishes Recommendations on Future Funding For Public Service Broadcasting

 The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has, today (18th July), published its recommendations in respect of the required levels of funding for the public service broadcasters (PSBs), TG4 and RTÉ, over the next five years. Under section 124(8) of the Broadcasting Act, 2009, the BAI is required, on a five-yearly basis, to conduct a review of … Continued

BAI responds to Government announcement on five-year review of funding for Public Service Broadcasting

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has welcomed the Government’s response to the BAI’s five year review of funding for public service broadcasters, and the associated recommendations made by the Authority. Under Section 124(8) of the Broadcasting Act 2009, the BAI is required to undertake a five-yearly review of the adequacy of public funding to … Continued

BAI at the Galway Film Fleadh 2013

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has announced details of its partnership with the Galway Film Fleadh 2013. Once again, the BAI is one of the main industry supporters of the popular ‘Film Fair Market’ which facilitates meetings between film makers, producers, financiers, distributors and broadcasters. The BAI has also partnered with Media Antenna Galway … Continued