10 newly qualified journalism and media graduates awarded radio placements under Journalism Graduate Programme 2022

Scheme is a partnership between BAI and Learning Waves The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), in partnership with Learning Waves, has today (02.11.22) announced the ten successful candidates for the 2022 Learning Waves Journalism Graduate Programme. The paid internship initiative, which is jointly funded by the BAI and Learning Waves Skillnet, is supported by Newstalk, … Continued

10 newly qualified journalism and media graduates awarded placements in the independent radio sector under Journalism Graduate Programme 2021

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), in partnership with Learning Waves, has today (28.09.21) announced the 10 successful candidates for the 2021 Learning Waves Journalism Graduate Programme. The internship scheme builds on the success of the 2019 inaugural programme, with a twofold increase in the number of graduate placements on offer. Under the 2021 programme, 10 graduates … Continued

BAI Voluntary Disclosure of Intention to Extend Contract Term: iRadio NW & iRadio NEM

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“the Authority”) has today (6th July, 2017) published a Voluntary Disclosure Notice on its website here advising of the Authority’s intention to extend the term of two commercial sound broadcasting contracts; i) the Regional Music-driven (Youth) radio service for the North West Region and ii) the Regional Music-driven (Youth) radio service … Continued

Call for Submissions – New Commercial Radio Services

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today (Tuesday, 20th June 2016) placed advertisements in the national press calling for submissions from parties interested in the provision of new commercial analogue radio services on the FM band.  The BAI is open to suggestions on both the types of services to be provided, and the areas … Continued

Call for Tenders: Research Services – BAI Broadcasting Services Strategy

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland wishes to award a contract for the provision of research services to support the development of a revised Broadcasting Services Strategy (BSS).  The BSS provides the framework for the formulation of licensing plans and associated activities by the Authority.  The revised BSS should support the Authority’s strategic mission to regulate, … Continued

Applications sought for Community Radio Services

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (4th May) announced that it is seeking applications for the provision of three community radio services and one community of interest radio service, serving the communities of each of the following franchise areas:   South West Tipperary – Tipperary and Cashel Towns and their Environs The service … Continued

BAI launches consultation on three-year strategy statement

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is exercising its regulatory functions in a rapidly evolving media sphere.   The space in which traditional forms of broadcasting operate and compete for audiences has fundamentally changed.  Over the coming years, the challenge for the Authority will be to continue and extend its influence, as other forms of media … Continued

Canada and Ireland announce reopening of development incentive for audiovisual projects

Toronto / Dublin, November 8, 2016 – The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) and the Canada Media Fund (CMF) announced today the reopening of their funding incentive for the development of audiovisual projects. A total of €150,000 will be made available to support Canadian and Irish producers to develop coproductions for broadcast on Canadian and … Continued

BAI counts down to centenary of radio celebration on Culture Night 2016

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is preparing to open its doors to visitors for an exciting celebration of 100 years of radio this Friday, 16th September. The event, which forms part of Culture Night 2016, will run from 6pm to 10pm. To mark the occasion, the BAI building at 2-5 Warrington Place, Dublin 2, … Continued

Call for tenders: Audio-visual media production services

The BAI wishes to establish a framework agreement for the provision of audio-visual media production services to the BAI. A Call for Tenders has been placed on Etenders.gov.ie and the closing date for submissions is Wednesday, 28th September at 12 noon. ENDS

BAI launches public consultation on draft General Commercial Communications Code (Closed)

The public should be confident that commercial communications on television and radio are legal, decent, honest, truthful, and protect the interests of children, and broadcasters should have clear guidelines on the standards that apply. That’s according to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), which today (26.07.16) launched a public consultation on the draft General Commercial … Continued

Applications Sought for Community Radio Services

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (7th July) announced that it is seeking applications for the provision of community radio services in each of Castlebar and North West Connemara. Public notices seeking applications have been placed in the relevant local papers. Each of the services should be community focused and address the interests … Continued

Request for submissions: Official Languages Act 2003 – Revision of BAI’s current Language Scheme and Preparation of new draft Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland is reviewing its Irish Language Scheme and preparing a new draft Scheme in accordance with Section 15 of the Official Languages Act 2003. The primary objective of the Official Languages Act is to ensure better availability and a higher standard of public services through Irish. The Authority now wishes to … Continued

Applications sought for Community Radio Services

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (9th June) announced that it is seeking applications for the provision of three community radio services further to its licensing plan for 2016. Public notices seeking applications have been placed in the local paper for services in each of the franchise areas of North East, North West and … Continued

Review: BAI Strategy Statement 2014 – 2016

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland is conducting a review of its current Strategy Statement 2014-2016.  The outcomes of this review will inform the new BAI Strategy Statement 2017-2019 which will be published later this year. One element of the review process is an online stakeholder survey. If you would like to participate in this survey … Continued

Commercial Radio Licensing: Expressions of Interest Sought

The Contract Awards Committee of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“the BAI”) has today (Friday, 12thFebruary) placed a public notice in a national newspaper seeking expressions of interest in the provision of three commercial radio services: a National Broad-format Service; a Regional Youth Music-driven Service, serving the south-west of the country; and, a Local Broad-format … Continued

Application sought for Irish language Radio Service for Dublin City

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI”) has today (11th February) announced that it is seeking an application for the provision of an Irish language community of interest radio service for Dublin City. A public notice, seeking the application, has been placed in a relevant local paper.  A community of interest service for Irish language speakers is … Continued

Application sought for Community Radio Service for Tramore

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has today (9th February) announced that it is seeking an application for the provision of a community radio service for Tramore and its Environs.  A public notice seeking the application has been placed in the relevant local paper. A number of 100-day pilot community radio services have been operated in the … Continued

Fast-track Process for Quasi-national Speech/News Service Announced

The Contract Awards Committee of the BAI has today (Tuesday 22nd December) announced its intention to invoke the fast-track application process for the quasi-national speech/news service, in accordance with section 67(3) of the Broadcasting Act 2009. The contract for this service is currently held by News 106 Limited, broadcasting as Newstalk 106-108FM. The fast-track process … Continued

Licence for Alternative Rock Music Service Advertised

The Contract Awards Committee of the BAI has today (Monday 21st December) announced details of a competitive licensing process for the Music-Driven (Alternative Rock) service for Dublin City and County, in accordance with section 65(8) of the Broadcasting Act 2009. The contract for this service is currently held by Dublin Rock Radio Limited, broadcasting as … Continued

Applications Sought for Community Services for Lucan and Kilkenny City

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (9th December) announced that it is seeking applications for the provision of two community radio services, respectively serving Lucan and its Environs and Kilkenny City and its Environs. Public notices seeking applications have been placed in the relevant local papers. The service for Lucan and its Environs … Continued

Save the Date: BAI Conversation Event in Cork

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has announced details of a public conversation in Cork on the topic of The Relevance and Future of Irish Content in the Broadcasting Media. The event will be held on Thursday, 12th November 2015 at 6pm at the River Lee Hotel, Western Road, Cork, as part of the Cork Film … Continued