The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today (Tuesday, 20th June 2016) placed advertisements in the national press calling for submissions from parties interested in the provision of new commercial analogue radio services on the FM band. The BAI is open to suggestions on both the types of services to be provided, and the areas to be served by such additional services.
The BAI is undertaking a review of its Broadcasting Services Strategy (“the BSS”) which provides the framework for the formulation of the licensing plans of the Authority. One of the key elements of the revision process will be the undertaking of a significant piece of research. This will involve a comprehensive environmental and economic analysis of the media sector. The submissions of interest received will also form part of the research and in this regard, any assessment of the submissions will have regard to the Authority’s policy objectives of diversity, sustainability, plurality and the efficient use of spectrum.
Accordingly, a submission of interest must provide detailed information regarding the quality, range and types of services to be provided and the extent to which any new service will add to the diversity of choice for listeners in the proposed franchise area. Also, issues such as sustainability and efficient use of spectrum will need to be considered.
Michael O’Keeffe, Chief Executive of the BAI, said ‘The current Broadcasting Services Strategy has been in place since 2012 and it is timely that it should be reviewed. This call for submissions of interest in the provision of new services will assist the Authority’s deliberations in this area. It will add important insight on the potential for new services that will be further interrogated during the environmental and economic research piece that will be conducted this coming Autumn to inform the development of the revised Broadcasting Services Strategy’.
Interested parties should make their submission in electronic format to the BAI, bss@bai.ie or by using the BAI’s online consultation facility on the BAI’s website, www.bai.ie/en/consultations. Information in respect of the proposed new service should be presented in the format prescribed in the BAI’s Guide to Submissions for the Provision of New Analogue Commercial Radio Services. A separate submission is required for each proposed new service.
Please note that a submission in response to this notice shall not be regarded as an application for a sound broadcasting contract. Parties interested in making a submission to the BAI should do so by 12 noon on Thursday, 3rd August 2017. Please note that all submissions will be made available to the researcher contracted by the BAI to conduct a review of the broadcasting sector, due to commence in August 2017. Please also note that all submissions will be made available publicly following consideration by the BAI.