BAI publishes Irish Language Action Plan

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (8.2.19) published its Irish Language Action Plan which sets out the planned activities in support of the promotion and stimulation of the development of Irish language programming and broadcasting services in the Irish audio-visual industry.  The Irish Language Action Plan is one of a number of initiatives designed to contribute to the achievement of the BAI’s strategic objective to ‘foster a media landscape that is representative of, and accessible to, the diversity of lrish society’.

The Plan outlines a range of objectives for the BAI in respect of the Irish Language, including the exploration of new initiatives in order to build on the volume of Irish language programming currently available. Other provisions include the exploration of partnership opportunities with key Irish language organisations with a view to jointly supporting Irish language development. The Plan also focuses on the support and undertaking of research and the collation of data on Irish language programming within the sector.

The development of the Plan was informed by a number of factors including international and national legislation, the 20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030, the BAI’s own Statement of Strategy 2017-2019 and substantial engagement with the BAI’s key Irish Language stakeholders.

Commenting on the announcement, BAI Chief Executive Michael O’Keeffe, said: ”The publication of the Irish Language Action Plan today reflects the BAI’s continued support for, and commitment to, the Irish Language. While BAI initiatives to support the Irish language have been in place for a number of years, the Irish Language Action Plan gives a clear articulation of the BAI’s goals, objectives and commitments in this area. We look forward to working with stakeholders on the implementation of the Plan, and the development of Irish language provision across the broadcasting sector, over the coming years.”

A copy of the BAI Irish Language Action Plan can be found on the BAI website here.

The BAI Strategy Statement 2017-2019 can be found here.