The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has today (14.01.21) launched its new Strategy Statement 2021-2023, which will guide its work for the next three years.
This is the fourth strategy since the establishment of the BAI in 2009. The strategy has been informed by a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of the previous strategy; an extensive public consultation; and an in-depth assessment of the current context, both nationally and internationally.
The strategy is set out under five key themes: 1) Promoting plurality and diversity; 2) Achieving excellence and accountability; 3) Leadership in change; 4) Empowering audiences; and 5) Enhancing innovation and sectoral sustainability. Under each of the themes, a series of high-level strategic objectives are proposed, as well as the intended outcomes and associated key performance indicators. The BAI will also publish an accompanying high-level work plan to support the achievement of the strategic objectives as set out in the strategy statement.
Commenting, BAI chief executive, Michael O’Keeffe said: “The media landscape has been transformed over the past decade. Significant developments in the regulatory environment are anticipated over the period of this strategy statement, including the transposition into Irish law of the revised EU Audio-Visual Media Services Directive and the transfer of the BAI’s functions to a new Media Commission, which will have enhanced powers covering the regulation of on-line services and harmful content. Cognisant of this period of transition, our new Strategy Statement provides direction to enable the continuation of our current work, while also ensuring we have the capabilities to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
“Along with the main objectives and themes of our previous strategy statement, the new strategy includes a new overarching theme: Leadership in change. This theme requires the BAI to use its knowledge and expertise to collaborate with national and international stakeholders in developing the future regulatory regime for broadcast and online platforms and in evolving its digital media policies to meet audience and user needs.”
Commenting on the launch of the strategy, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD said: “A well-functioning media sector is of vital importance to all democracies, and media regulation in Ireland is entering a transformative stage, with the upcoming introduction, for the first time, of a regulatory framework for online safety and the establishment of a new Media Commission. I commend the BAI for this forward-looking strategy, which weaves together ambitious objectives for the regulation of the broadcasting sector and sets out leadership objectives in a time of change for both the organisation and the wider media sector.”
The BAI’s strategy statement 2021-2023 is available here.
Media contact: Joanne Ahern / Thelma Harris, DHR Communications, Tel: 087-9881837 / 083-0517622.
All other queries: BAI, 01-6441200.