BAI launches third Irish Language Scheme

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (28.01.20) launched its third Irish Language Scheme, which sets out how the BAI will deliver its services to the public, in Irish and bilingually, over the next three years.

Since 2013, the BAI has developed and operated two Irish Language Schemes, for the 2013-2016 and 2016-2019 periods, in accordance with the Official Languages Act 2003. Each Scheme provided for a phased increase in the number and standard of BAI services provided in Irish and bilingually and the BAI established a dedicated team to drive Irish language initiatives within the organisation. A review of the BAI’s first Irish Language Scheme by An Coimisinéir Teanga (ACT) commended the BAI on the implementation of its Scheme.

The new Irish Language Scheme 2020-2023 was informed by the views of interested parties received following a call for submissions in August, as well as ongoing feedback from stakeholders.

Commenting, Chief Executive of the BAI, Michael O’Keeffe said: “The BAI, as a public body, has an important duty to promote the Irish language and provide adequate services to the Irish-speaking community. We have achieved considerable progress in delivering and enhancing the quality of our services through Irish and bilingually, as highlighted by An Coimisinéir Teanga, and the submissions received in developing our third Irish Language Scheme. This Scheme consolidates and builds on this success with further commitments to increase the visibility and quality of our Irish language service provision.”

The key commitments in the new Scheme include:
• All updates on social media in relation to Irish-language activities will be done through Irish and the BAI will endeavour to increase its use of Irish language on all BAI social media communications.
• Copies of BAI speeches at public events and BAI-commissioned Irish-language-related research will be made available in Irish on request.
• The new BAI online complaints system, when it goes live, will be fully available in Irish for external complaints about broadcast content.
• The Irish Language Advisory Committee, which was established by the BAI and Foras na Gaeilge, will establish joint initiatives and resources to support broadcasters in delivering on their Irish language commitments.
• The BAI will endeavour to provide funding and/or other support for Seachtain na Gaeilge and other Irish-language events.
• The BAI has a dedicated Irish language team that is proficient in Irish and will provide opportunities for all staff to practice and improve their Irish-language skills.

Queries in relation to the Irish Language Scheme should go to or 01-6441200.


Media queries: Sebastian Enke / Joanne Ahern, DHR Communications, Tel: 01-4200580 / 087-3239496 / 087-9881837.

All other queries: Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, 01-6441200.

Note to editors:
• More information on the BAI Irish Language Scheme 2020-2023 is available to download here.