BAI Event to discuss Broadcasting Standards

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) will seek and discuss views about broadcasting standards with broadcasters, programme makers, representative groups, as well as viewers and listeners during a unique ‘conversation’ event which will take place on Thursday, 12th December from 9.30am – 1pm at Smock Alley Theatre, 6 – 7 Lower Exchange Street, Dublin 8.

The purpose of the event is to give attendees an opportunity to express their views on the issue of standards in broadcast content, which includes; the portrayal of people and groups in society; the treatment by programme makers of content of a sexual or violent nature and the use of coarse language in programming. The event will be streamed live online, and members of the public can join the conversation by registering at: Viewers will be able to watch the event live and submit questions or comments via the viewer and/or via twitter @baitweets using the hashtag #baitalk

The event will be opened by the Chair of the BAI, Bob Collins, and will be chaired by Professor Donncha O’Connell, BL, National University of Ireland Galway.  During the event, the outcomes of new, national research – conducted by IPSOS MRBI for the BAI – on the attitudes in Ireland to broadcasting content standards will be presented. Renowned international media analyst, Andrea Millwood-Hargrave, will offer her views on these results.

A range of people – representing different strands of civil society and who have interacted with the work of the BAI, or have a demonstrated interest in the broadcast media sector – will attend. It is intended that the discussion at this event can assist the BAI as it begins to redraft the current Code of Programme Standards.

You can view the event agenda and details of the speakers here



CONTACT: Catherine Heaney / Tony Heffernan,

DHR Communications,

Tel: 087-2309835 / 087-2399508.