BAI announces funding of €637k through its Sectoral Learning & Development and Sponsorship programmes

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today, 3rd February, announced details of its 2017 funding allocation under its Sectoral Learning & Development and Sponsorship funding initiatives. Funding of €637,880 has been approved by the BAI to support a range of initiatives, further details of which are outlined below.
Sectoral Learning & Development Funding
For 2017, the BAI has increased its sectoral learning and development funding allocation by 17% to €495,180. Support funding has been announced for 15 industry and representative networks including CRAOL (the representative body for community radio); Learning Waves (the training organisation for commercial radio broadcasters), Women on Air and the Community Television Association. The BAI is also supporting a number of new initiatives this year, including the Galway Film Centre, which will support regional events and activities encompassing Irish language media practitioners, and a joint initiative from Animation Skillnet and Animation Ireland.
Other sectoral learning and development initiatives for 2017 will include the Community Broadcasting Support Scheme, the Temporary Services Support Scheme and other innovation schemes for the television sector.
Sponsorship Scheme
Funding of €142,700 has been allocated to 20 events and activities under the BAI’s Sponsorship Scheme, representing a funding increase of 9% on 2016 levels. These initiatives are seen as an important communication tool for the BAI and are designed to raise awareness of the organisation’s strategic objectives and activities. Successful applications include television, radio and film festivals, awards ceremonies and Irish language events. New sponsorship funding recipients for 2017 include the National Student Media Awards, the Fresh Film Festival and Mediacon.
Commenting on today’s funding announcement, BAI Chief Executive, Michael O’Keeffe, said “Over the course of the new BAI Strategy Statement, the BAI wishes to encourage creativity in, and support the achievement of greater sustainability for the Irish audio-visual sector. We are confident that the suite of funding initiatives announced today will contribute to this strategic objective.”
Media Queries to:
Joanne Ahern / Sebastian Enke
DHR Communications
01 -4200 580 / 087 988 1837 / 087 323 9496
Notes to Editors
List of Sectoral Learning and Development Funding Recipients
Network Funding
Animation Skillnet and Animation Ireland
Association of Independent Producers of Ireland (AIRPI)
Community Television Association (CTA)
Creative Europe Desk Ireland – Media Office
Creative Europe Desk Ireland – Media Office Galway
Galway Film Centre
Irish Hospital Radio Network (IHRN)
Learning Waves
National Union of Journalists (NUJ)
Screen Producers Ireland (SPI)
Women on Air
Writer Guild of Ireland (WGI) and Screen Directors Guild of Ireland (SDGI)
Women in Film and Television
Other Learning and Development Activities
Community Broadcasting Support Scheme
Innovation Scheme: Big Stories on the Small Screen
Innovation Scheme: Television Production Training Scheme (Red Rock)
Innovation Scheme: Writer’s Academy (Red Rock)
Temporary Radio Services Support Scheme
Industry-related Events
List of Sponsorship Funding Recipients
Celtic Media Festival
Choice Music Festival
Cork Film Festival 2017
Dingle Animation Festival
Dublin International Film Fest
Fingal Film Festival
Fresh Film Festival
Galway Film Centre
Galway Film Fleadh
Guth Gafa
Mary lmmaculate College
Mary Raftery Fund
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Sounds Alive
The All-lreland Radio Awards
The National Student Media Awards
Tweakle – Transmission Workshop