Applications Sought for Community Services for Lucan and Kilkenny City

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (9th December) announced that it is seeking applications for the provision of two community radio services, respectively serving Lucan and its Environs and Kilkenny City and its Environs. Public notices seeking applications have been placed in the relevant local papers.

The service for Lucan and its Environs is currently operated by Liffey Sound Communications Co-Operative Society Limited (t/a Liffey Sound FM) and this contract will expire on 6th July 2016. In Kilkenny, a number of 100-day pilot community radio services have been operated in the city and its environs by Kilkenny Communications Co-Operative Society Limited (t/a Community Radio Kilkenny City). The application process announced by the BAI today seeks to establish a community radio service for the area on a long-term basis.

The community radio services advertised should be primarily talk-based in nature, with a community focus. They should address the interests of, and seek to provide a social benefit to, people in the relevant franchise areas and should be non-profit maximising. They should also facilitate access to, and involvement in, the service by individuals and groups living in the franchise areas concerned.

The BAI has developed a Guide to Submissions document for both community radio services, in order to assist with the application process. Further details regarding the application processes and access to the relevant documents can be found here.

The closing date for receipt of applications for Kilkenny City and its Environs is 12 noon on Monday 21st March, while the closing date for receipt of applications for Lucan and its Environs is 12 noon on Tuesday 22nd March.

Media Queries to:
Tony Heffernan / Catherine Heaney
DHR Communications
087 2399508 / 087 2309835