Strategy Statement
The BAI captures the focus of its work in five overarching strategic themes and the fifteen high level objectives. These themes, objectives and their related outcomes are outlined on this page. All five themes are of equal importance and are directed towards the achievement of the BAI’s strategic vision. A copy of the BAI’s Strategy Statement 2021-23 is available by clicking here.
Promoting Plurality and Diversity
Strategic Objective 1 – Facilitate a mix of voices, opinions and sources of news and current affairs in audio and audiovisual media which enhances democratic debate and active citizenship in Ireland.
- The mix of voices, opinions and sources of news and current affairs content available for audiences is strong and trust in journalism is sustained and upheld.
Strategic Objective 2 – Increase the production, availability and prominence of relevant audio and audiovisual content for all Irish audiences.
- The range and sources of culturally relevant audio and audiovisual content, including content in the Irish language, available to audiences has increased.
Strategic Objective 3 – Foster a media landscape that is representative of, and accessible to, the diversity of Irish society.
- Irish audio and audiovisual media are more diverse in terms of content, those involved in its production and in on air presentation.
Strategic Objective 4 – Foster and promote quality programming in the Irish Language.
- Quality Irish language content, including news and current affairs and content for youth audiences, is available on a variety of media.
Achieving Excellence & Accountability
Strategic Objective 5 – Regulate to achieve a responsible and accountable broadcasting sector.
- The BAI is a trusted regulator by all stakeholders.
- Broadcasting sector demonstrates strong accountability and responsibility.
Strategic Objective 6 – Lead, model and promote high standards of environmental, economic and social practice in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- The BAI has established transparent practices and reporting mechanisms which demonstrate high engagement by the BAI with UN SDGs.
- The BAI has facilitated the Broadcasting Sector in developing a Sustainability Network that demonstrates sound awareness of, and participation in, SDG practice.
Strategic Objective 7 – Demonstrate and promote high standards of governance practice in line with the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (COPGSB).
- The BAI has established transparent practices and reporting mechanisms which demonstrate a high level of compliance by the BAI with the COPGSB.
Strategic Objective 8 – Improve regulatory practices to reduce regulatory burden.
- Regulation is proportionate and serves the public interest.
Leadership in Change
Strategic Objective 9 – Lead debate and influence policy development on the future legislative and regulatory framework for digital and broadcasting media services.
- The BAI has used its knowledge and expertise in collaborating with national and international stakeholders in developing the future regulatory regime for broadcast and online platforms and in evolving its digital media policies to meet audience and user needs.
- The BAI is viewed by stakeholders as an informative, authoritative and influential voice on media regulation.
Strategic Objective 10 – Respond, adapt to, and communicate on, developments in the wider environment, anticipating and assessing organisational, sectoral and audience impacts.
- BAI stakeholders have confidence in regulatory responses that are evidence-based, timely and proportionate.
Strategic Objective 11 – Lead staff, review and transform the BAI’s policies, practices and processes in preparation for integration into the new Media Commission.
- The BAI has a strong leadership, learning and performance culture and an agile, motivated and informed workforce which will support the BAI in its full integration into the new Media Commission.
Empowering Audiences
Strategic Objective 12 – Enhance the understanding, engagement and participation of the public in the media landscape and promote media literacy.
- Audiences in Ireland are more connected to, informed and engaged with, audio and audiovisual content.
Strategic Objective 13 – Inform and engage the public and BAI stakeholders on the review and revision (as appropriate) of BAI Codes, Rules and Policies.
- Public knowledge and understanding of BAI Codes and Rules, and the values underpinning them, is enhanced.
- There is increased public participation in the BAI’s regulatory processes.
Enhancing Innovation & Sectoral Sustainability
Strategic Objective 14 – Enhance creativity and innovation as distinctive features of the Irish audio and audiovisual sectors.
- Creativity and innovation are a focus of the BAI’s sectoral support activities (including the Broadcasting Funding Scheme and BAI Sectoral Development).
Strategic Objective 15 – Support the achievement of enhanced financial sustainability for the Irish audio and audiovisual sectors.
- The long-term viability of the Irish audio and audiovisual sectors has been enhanced by BAI initiatives in this area.
Supporting Documentation
The BAI undertook a public consultation to inform the development of its Strategy Statement 2021-2023. The BAI will also publish, a three-year high-level work plan to support the achievement of the stated strategic objectives in due course.
To download a copy of the BAI’s strategy statement 2021-2023 for printing/ view on mobile devices please click here