BAI Signs Local Sound Broadcasting Contracts for Mayo And Louth/Meath

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland has today (Monday, 15th July) signed contracts for two ten-year sound broadcasting services for the franchise areas of Mayo and Louth/Meath.  The services are operated by Midwest Radio and LMFM respectively.

Speaking at the contract signings, Chief Executive of the BAI, Michael O’Keeffe, said: “We are delighted to sign contracts today with Midwest Radio and LMFM.  The signings mark the successful conclusion of contract negotiations with each service, both of which previously held the licence for their respective franchise areas.  The BAI wishes both stations continued success in serving their audiences over the duration of the next contract period.”

The BAI was represented at the contract signings by the Chairperson, Bob Collins and Michael O’Keeffe, Chief Executive.  The signatories for the stations, together with the effective date for each contract, are as follows:

Station Name Franchise Area Station Signatories Effective Date
LMFM Louth/Meath Norman McKeown, Director, UTV;Michael Crawley Managing Director LMFM 28th August 2013
Midwest Radio County Mayo Chris Carroll, Director; Paul Claffey, Managing Director 24th July 2013


Media Queries to:

Tony Heffernan, DHR

01 4200580/ 087 2399508