BAI launches Sectoral Learning and Development Policy

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) today, 4th April 2012, launched the BAI Sectoral Learning and Development Policy.

This important document sets out a framework by which the BAI can engage with the broadcasting sector to help identify and address its various learning and development needs.

The Policy, which has been developed in consultation with key stakeholders within the broadcasting sector, focuses on the requirement for continual improvement and provides a mechanism for support (financially and otherwise) to broadcasters and industry networks within the sector.

In particular, the Policy has sought to capture the focus of Sectoral Learning and Development in five overarching strategic themes which stem from the BAI’s legislative and strategic obligations.  The Policy’s strategic themes are: (i) Working in Partnership, (ii) Strategic Planning, (iii) Measurement and Evaluation, (iv) Funding and Other Supports’ and, (v) Building Capacity for the Broadcasting Sector.  These themes are integral to Sectoral Learning and Development and will shape the broadcasting industry in 2012 and beyond.

Speaking at the launch, Michael O’Keeffe Chief Executive of the BAI said “This is a very welcome development for the broadcasting sector. The Policy was developed through an in-depth consultation process with industry networks who currently receive support from the Authority, and other key stakeholders, to ascertain their views and perspectives of learning and development within the broadcasting sector. This approach proved to be successful. We are confident that the Policy will be a benefit to all who work in the industry.”

Click here to download the English version of the Policy.

Click here to download the Irish version of the Policy.

Media Queries to:

Brian Furey                                                                            Catherine Heaney

BAI                                                                                          DHR Communications

01 6441200                                                                             01 4200580/ 087-2309835