The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (“BAI”) has today (2nd November 2009) issued the draft General Code on Audiovisual Commercial Communications and the draft Children’s Code on Audiovisual Commercial Communications. The draft Codes propose a number of changes to the regulation of advertising, sponsorship and other commercial communications and the BAI is inviting the public and interested groups to comment on these changes. Once finalised, the Codes will replace the BCI General Advertising Code and the BCI Children’s Advertising Code. Speaking about the draft Codes, the BAI’s Chief Executive Michael O’ Keeffe said, “the new Codes will give effect to the transposition into Irish law of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. This is the European Directive that outlines the key principles and rules with which audiovisual media services (including television) licensed in the EU must comply. A key issue that the BAI would like the public and interested groups to comment on is whether product placement should be permitted on Irish television and radio.” A copy of the draft Codes can be downloaded from the BAI’s website or obtained from the BAI’s offices at 2 – 5 Warrington Place, Dublin 2. Written submissions can be posted to the BAI or emailed to . All responses should reach the BAI on or before Friday, 20th November 2009.